Offer a Vendor Leasing Program to Enhance Sales and Profits
Some equipment suppliers do offer a leasing program, but give the customer a choice between several leasing companies for them to use. That may sound practical, but “shopping” deals with a multitude of leasing companies can actually lower the chance of approval. If the customer chooses one of the leasing companies, and is subsequently declined, two negative actions may result. First, the credit inquiry lowers the customer’s credit score. Second, it will be clear this is a shopped transaction, and will make it more difficult to get the credit approved. If it is approved, the lower credit score will cause the rate to be higher.
Establishing a sound relationship with one reputable leasing company is the best course of action for both your company and your customers for several reasons:
• The relationship (allowing one leasing company to be involved) should result in lower rates for your customers, thereby making it more attractive to buy from you. If a vendor uses multiple companies and shops deals, they will not usually get the best rates.
• Using one leasing company results in better pricing because of increased volume. Leasing companies make more money when deals come through referrals, rather than expensive marketing. The referral business is more profitable because it provides a steady stream of deals from clients who are looking to acquire equipment now and need financing.
• Because maintaining the relationship with the equipment supplier is critical to profitability, they will do everything in their power to keep the approval rate high and the lease rates low. These savings are passed on to the client.
• The leasing company will also be more motivated and go the extra mile to fund the most challenging credits.
• Because of economies of scale involved with large volume directed to the leasing company, the supplier is often entitled to referral fees of 1% to 2%, thus providing an additional income stream.
Some equipment suppliers do offer a leasing program, but give the customer a choice between several leasing companies for them to use. That may sound practical, but “shopping” deals with a multitude of leasing companies can actually lower the chance of approval. If the customer chooses one of the leasing companies, and is subsequently declined, two negative actions may result. First, the credit inquiry lowers the customer’s credit score. Second, it will be clear this is a shopped transaction, and will make it more difficult to get the credit approved. If it is approved, the lower credit score will cause the rate to be higher.
Establishing a sound relationship with one reputable leasing company is the best course of action for both your company and your customers for several reasons:
• The relationship (allowing one leasing company to be involved) should result in lower rates for your customers, thereby making it more attractive to buy from you. If a vendor uses multiple companies and shops deals, they will not usually get the best rates.
• Using one leasing company results in better pricing because of increased volume. Leasing companies make more money when deals come through referrals, rather than expensive marketing. The referral business is more profitable because it provides a steady stream of deals from clients who are looking to acquire equipment now and need financing.
• Because maintaining the relationship with the equipment supplier is critical to profitability, they will do everything in their power to keep the approval rate high and the lease rates low. These savings are passed on to the client.
• The leasing company will also be more motivated and go the extra mile to fund the most challenging credits.
• Because of economies of scale involved with large volume directed to the leasing company, the supplier is often entitled to referral fees of 1% to 2%, thus providing an additional income stream.